Can you help me leverage my SMSF to purchase property?
The SMSF industry is highly-regulated – and rightly so! We will work closely with your financial adviser to ensure your SMSF remains compliant, without overburdening you with paperwork! We specialise in SMSF loans and have access to a wide range of specialist SMSF lenders, and insight into their closely-guarded lending criteria. We'll be on your side, using our proven track record in SMSF loans, and have refined our processes over time, to help you achieve your ideal outcome.
I want to purchase my next home, can you help?
If you're ready to move to your next home, we can help you leverage your equity and repayment history, to secure a competitive deal. As you've worked hard to own a home of your own, and now it's time to make the equity you've built work hard for you. We also know you're busy, which is why we'll liaise with your lender, real estate agent, buyers agent, and conveyancer on your behalf.
I want to invest in Commercial Real Estate, can you help me get a Commercial Loan?
Whether you're looking to invest in office space or warehousing for your own business, or have found an attractive commercial property investment opportunity – we will scour the market for appropriate commercial loan options, and help you present a compelling application to the lender. We'll help you understand the numbers, so you enter any agreement with eyes wide open and we'll also help you leverage your existing equity, while maximising your cash flow to ensure the finance solution fits in with your existing commitments and lifestyle goals.
Does Campbell and Barr Finance help with Business Loans?
We work with business owners who want to invest in assets and equipment to drive their business forward. Purchasing the assets you need to build your business is exciting, and there are a lot of options available. We analyse your business and then scour the market to secure competitive solutions. If it's equipment finance your after, from agriculture to medicine, we work with an array of business owners who need to invest in expensive equipment to operate their businesses.
Do you help property investors organise an investment loan?
We have access to a wide range of lenders and can help you secure an investment loan that will support your overall property strategy. We'll be on your side to help you leverage your equity to expand your property portfolio. We'll also help you restructure your finance to free up equity to invest. To invest smarter, we can help maximise gearing benefits and cash flow to make sure your loans are life-enhancing.
Can you help be finance my new build or renovation?
There are a lot of reasons you might want to build your own home, and the important part is making sure you have purpose-built finance behind you. This is where we come in! We can work with you to organise a Construction Loan, which means funds are released as you reach each milestone of the new home build. The other benefit is that while the build is underway, you'll only need to pay interest – not the principal.
Do you help first home buyers?
For first timers, buying a home can feel daunting. We work alongside you so you know what's going on every step of the way. We'll advise you on which government grants you may be eligible for, and then show you how to apply. We also know what the banks are looking for and can craft a compelling home loan application – always making sure you secure finance you a can live with.
Can you help me get a better deal on my existing loan?
Home loan land is competitive and constantly shifting; what suited you two years ago may not be your best bet today. We can help you refinance your loan and can negotiate with your existing lender to try to secure more favourable terms on your home loan. We'll also scour the market for competitive offers, and then handle the process of switching lenders.